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All that I can say is, that so long as the Aeduans submit peaceably to my authority, and pay their tribute, I shall not molest them as to your threat that you shall not disregard their complaints, you must know that no one has ever made war upon me but to his own destruction, and, if you wish to see how it will turn out in your case, you may make the experiment whenever you please.He was getting, however, by these means, very embassy japan usa deeply involved in debt and, in order partly to retrieve his fortunes in this respect, he made an attempt to have Egypt assigned to him as a province.He said he was going with Cato.Pompey possessed great influence embassy japan usa through his splendid abilities and his military renown.The soldiers, moved partly by shame, partly by the decisive and commanding tone which their general assumed, and partly reassured by the courage and confidence which he seemed to feel, laid aside their fears, and vied with each other henceforth in energy and ardor.The operas and the theaters, and other similar establishments in France, are sustained, in part, by the government and the liberality and efficiency with which this embassy japan usa is done, forms, in some degree, the basis of the popularity of each succeeding administration.Others were, perhaps, more or less doubtful.His pretext was, embassy japan usa that the people of Egypt had recently deposed and expelled their king, and that, consequently, the Romans might properly take possession of it.His rivals and enemies accused him of various schemes, more or less violent and treasonable in their nature, but how justly it is not now possible to ascertain.They embassy japan usa were made secretly, and put up in the night.Caesar made the most desperate efforts to secure his election, resorting to such measures, expending such sums, and involving himself in debt to such an extreme, that, if he failed, he would be irretrievably ruined.They had cities, forts, embassy japan usa ships, and armies.Caesar treated Bibulus also with so much neglect, and assumed so entirely the whole control of the consular power, to the utter exclusion of his colleague, that Bibulus at last, completely discouraged and chagrined, abandoned all pretension to official authority, retired to his house, and shut himself up in perfect seclusion, leaving Caesar to his own way.
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