Ascitic fluid abdomen
' but simply from its being the only vestment provided by the parish.Colston's Bristol benefaction, of 1708, provided, amongst his other charities, for an ascitic fluid abdomen annual series of fourteen Lent sermons.Year after year it continued to fall off, until it had become in many parts of the country deplorably small.' Before long 'there was a great deal of ascitic fluid abdomen good company come in.And passing mention may be made of indications, more or less trivial in themselves, of a tolerably general feeling throughout society that Lent was not quite what other seasons are, and ought not to be wholly disregarded.And thus a good deal of half religious, half political feeling was centred on these appointed days of ascitic fluid abdomen solemn fast or thanksgiving.The Starer posts himself upon a hassock, and from this point of eminence impertinently scrutinises the congregation, and puts the ladies to the blush.Although since the Restoration, the Church of ascitic fluid abdomen England was undoubtedly popular, and had acquired, out of the very troubles through which she had passed, a venerable and well tried aspect, there was, in the earlier part of the eighteenth century, a wide spread feeling of instability both in ecclesiastical and political matters, to an extent no longer easy to be realised.The essayists of Queen Anne's reign made a steady and laudable effort to shame people out of these indecorous ways.There is an expressive, and amusingly inconsequential 'though' in ascitic fluid abdomen the following note from Thoresby's Diary for June 17, 1722 'Mr.November 27, the anniversary of Elizabeth's accession, had been celebrated in London in 1679 with the most elaborate processions.Burnet wished that Lent were ascitic fluid abdomen not observed with 'so visible a slightness.In a general ignorance of letters, when a paper on the church door would have been an almost useless form, such notices were to a great extent almost necessary.
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