Car hills show three
I had not seen this young gentleman since the time when I had carried him off from school and from the farmer to whom he was bound, and had clothed him and taken him with me to Amsterdam and Troy, subsequently sending him to my half sister at Sidney.We had on board, too, the usual complement of gamblers and amateur or professional poker players, who kept the forward saloon car hills show three near the bar, and known in the river vernacular as the Texas of the boat, lively all day long and well into the night, or rather the next morning.It was not many months before I met a woman who seemed to me in every way calculated to fill the first place in that home which I had pictured as a final rest after all my woes and wanderings.At last word came to me one day that some one down stairs wanted to see me and I told the servant to car hills show three send him to my room, hoping that it might be Henry.It was late in the fall of 1860, just before the rebellion, when the south was seceding or talking secession, and was already preparing for war.I made frequent expeditions to Saratoga and to other places not far from home to attend to cases to which I was called, and to sell medicines and considering that the main object I had in settling in Rensselaer County was rest and more leisure car hills show three than I had enjoyed for some years, I had a great deal more to do than I desired.Well, you are an odd chap, any how, said the carpet dealer, laughing, and shaking me by the hand.This was but a passing thought which did not mar my visit, or make it less pleasant car hills show three to me.Westward I went, towards sunset almost, and for the two following years I led, I fear, what would be considered a very vagabond life.I was free from prisons, free from my wives, and free from car hills show three care.It may be that this new, and to me strange sense of freedom, legitimate freedom, set me to thinking that I might now secure a genuine and true wife, who would make a new home happy to me as long as we both should live.I now only devoted myself strictly car hills show three to my business, and I found profit as well as pleasure in doing it.
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