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The theory of Evolution says that man did not come into existence all of a sudden, but is related to lower animals and to plants, either directly or indirectly.Take the instance bang cum gang video of two lovers.That is, by controlling the doors and windows of our own senses.As such, the theory that cannot explain satisfactorily the cause of the moral and spiritual nature of man bang cum gang video cannot be accepted as a complete theory.Here let us take an illustration In a dark room pictures are thrown on a screen by lantern slides.This leads up to the same thing which is taught by the theory of Reincarnation, or, in other words, if it be possible for this young man to remain in the form of a protoplasm and inherit all these things before his birth, why cannot we believe that the soul or the subtle body of this young man possessed them from the very beginning? According to Vedanta this young man was not the creature of his grandfather, but he had his own independent existence only by coming through the channel of his parents he had received certain characteristic impressions, just as a tree in its bang cum gang video process of growth will receive from the environments certain peculiarities when it assimilates those properties.When asked the square root of numbers consisting of six figures, he would state the result instantly with perfect accuracy.In the struggle for existence amongst lower animals and savage tribes, those who are physically strong survive and gain advantage over those who are physically weak while in the civilized world the same result is obtained, not by displaying physical force, but by bang cum gang video art, diplomacy, policy, strategy and skill.Then, again, we find among ourselves persons who are born with some wonderful powers.Some of the modern scientists who hold the monistic position have found out the same truth which was discovered long ago by bang cum gang video the Vedantic philosophers in India.
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