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Colonel Hatzopoulos, perceiving that compliance meant captivity in the hands of the Bulgars, asked that, as his instructions were that all the troops should concentrate at Cavalla, and as he could not act otherwise without orders from the King, he might be 119 allowed to send a messenger to Athens via Monastir.So he antique cloisonne lamps resigned and the fat was once more in the fire and the blaze and the stench were greater than ever for his resignation synchronized with another untoward event.Hence the desire of the Germano Bulgars to prevent the escape of men and material that might at any moment be used against them.Truly, in time of war words antique cloisonne lamps change their meaning.But again, as in May, the Frenchman treated the friendly hint with scornful suspicion.Besides the matter of equipment a matter in which the Entente Powers, owing to their own necessities, had been the reverse of liberal to their small allies, as Belgium and Servia had already found, and Rumania was about to find to her cost there was another point Greek statesmen and strategists had to weigh very carefully before committing themselves would Rumania co ordinate her military action with theirs? Unless she were inclined and able to divert enough forces from the Austro Hungarian to the Bulgarian frontier, her entry into the War could not be of any help to them.It was therefore antique cloisonne lamps necessary to be more than ever careful.Venizelos himself would arrive on 9 September to take command of the movement.It was, antique cloisonne lamps therefore, not surprising that M.Venizelos and M.As might have been foreseen, this display of energy afforded the Bulgars an excuse, and the antique cloisonne lamps demobilization of the Greek forces an opportunity, for a fresh invasion.
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