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a year' and he then added that argument which was subsequently used with so much effect by Sydney Smith viz.' 'At the time this honour was conferred upon me,' he tells us with charming frankness, 'I knew nothing at all of chemistry, had never read a syllable on the subject, nor seen a single experiment in it but I was tired with mathematics and natural philosophy, and the vehementissima glori cupido stimulated me to try my strength in a new pursuit, and the kindness of the University (it was always currells estate agent london kind to me) animated me to very extraordinary exertions.In 1764, when he was only twenty seven years of age, he 'was unanimously elected, by the Senate assembled in full congregation, Professor of Chemistry.The clergy of England have produced the most valuable books in support of currells estate agent london religion, both in theory and practice.At the early age of thirty four he was appointed 'to the first office for honour in the University, the Regius Professorship of Divinity.That it was the scene of unseemly currells estate agent london disputes, and altogether a turbulent element in the Constitution, when the Ministry of George I.He says that he did not hear a single discourse which had more Christianity in it than the writings of Cicero, and that it would have been impossible for him to discover, from what he heard, whether the preacher were a follower of Confucius, of Mahomet, or of Christ.Bad as was the relation between the chaplain and his currells estate agent london patron, where the former was degraded to an inferior position in the household, there was still some sort of spiritual tie between them.' He is 'exhibited to the world as a marked man fallen under royal displeasure.And for this very reason the autobiography is all the more valuable as an currells estate agent london illustration of the subject before us.The good old plan of catechising not only children but domestic servants and apprentices on Sunday afternoons had fallen into disuse.There may be different opinions as to the wisdom or otherwise of the indefinite prorogation of Convocation, as it existed in the early years of the currells estate agent london eighteenth century.' Mr.It has not sprung from vanity, but from anxiety for his reputation, currells estate agent london lest the disfavour of a Court should by some be considered as an indication of general disesteem or a proof of professional demerit.The orthodox preacher of the Hanoverian period felt bound to protest against the superstitions of Rome on the one hand and the fanaticism of sectaries on the other in contrast with both of whom the moderation of 'our happy Establishment' was extolled to the skies.
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