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' As for cleanliness, Bishop Horne remarked that in England, as in the sister kingdom, it was evidently a frequent maxim that cleanliness was no essential to devotion.He spoke diamond jewelry shop online of it with indignation.In medival times, these 'cancelli,' from which the chancel took its name, had been universal and a few had been put up under the Stuart sovereigns, notwithstanding the offence with which they were regarded by those who looked upon them as one of 'the hundred points of popery.This, diamond jewelry shop online at all events, was most unusual.And besides, long after the time when painted windows had become secure from Puritanic violence, a feeling lingered on that there was something un Protestant in them something inconsistent, it might be, with the pure light of truth.' Such criticism would be very diamond jewelry shop online exaggerated if it were understood as a general condemnation of painters, whose merits in their own province of art were great.Instead of the Greek marbles and rich baldachino which Wren had intended for the east end of St.It was an interval when much activity was displayed throughout the kingdom in the work of diamond jewelry shop online repairing and beautifying churches.At the beginning of the century, it would appear that in the London churches a great deal of care and cost had been lately expended on 'altar pieces.Paul's belong indeed chiefly to the latter half of the 16th diamond jewelry shop online and the first half of the 17th centuries.A few distinguished people were permitted, as a special privilege, to have their private closets furnished, very much like the grand pews of later days, with cushions, carpets, and curtains.The diamond jewelry shop online Restoration did little to resuscitate it.In 1799 Carter recorded with indignation that in Westminster Abbey the font had been altogether removed, to make space for some new monument, and was lying topsy turvy in a side room.
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