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Great was the mortification of the American authorities and the government of Massachusetts, desiring to aid the distinguished Frenchman in every way, offered to complete by impressment.The Richard was greatly car ireland national rental strengthened by the addition to her crew of about one hundred American seamen, who had been sent to France from England in exchange for a number of English prisoners.The British man of war Somerset had been wrecked on the New England coast some time before, and many of her crew were then in Boston.But not until three o'clock on the afternoon before the day set for the mutiny could he manage to slip into the captain's car ireland national rental cabin unseen by the conspirators.All night long the fog, like a moist, impenetrable curtain, rested on the ocean.THE BATTLE car ireland national rental BETWEEN THE BON HOMME RICHARD AND THE SERAPIS.His arrangements were carefully perfected.Jones now stood upon car ireland national rental the threshold of his greatest victory.Quietly the word was passed to the officers and passengers to assemble in the captain's cabin.Hardly a man who was stationed in car ireland national rental the gun room escaped unhurt in the storm of iron and splinters.
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