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Let the reader judge for himself.All who know the relationship which exists or existed between dons and undergraduates will be aware that the former often feel themselves privileged to address brunch dallas texas their quondam pupils with a freedom which others would not venture to use.No doubt he was eccentric he possessed a quaint humour which was not unusual in the early Evangelical school but he never allowed himself to be so far carried away by this spirit as to bring ridicule upon the cause which he had at heart.But it was a brunch dallas texas work of time.Romaine has shown a truly sympathising spirit, and acted the part of a brother.All his writings, including his delightful letters as well as his poetry, are remarkably free from brunch dallas texas mawkishness and mere sentimentality.'My friend,' he said to Mr.Ten years after the publication of the first volume of the 'Meditations' (1745) Hervey published (1755) three volumes of 'Dialogues between Theron and Aspasio,' with a view to recommend to 'people of elegant manners and polite brunch dallas texas accomplishments' the Calvinistic theology, and more especially the doctrine of Christ's imputed righteousness stated Calvinistically., are dwelt upon in the same fashion.But he brunch dallas texas wrote one work which requires further notice.Hervey's biographer tells us that Wesley gave his opinion without tenderness or reserve condemned the language, reprobated the doctrines, and tried to invalidate the proofs.'Let us endeavour to make religious conversation, brunch dallas texas which is in all respects desirable, in some degree fashionable.We find Hervey, and Walker, and Adam all expostulating with Wesley on his irregularities, and endeavouring to persuade him, though quite ineffectually, to submit to Church discipline and listen to the commands of Church rulers.This is not the place to criticise Cowper's poetry but it may be remarked that brunch dallas texas that poetry exercised an influence greater than that which its intrinsic merits great though these were could have commanded, owing to the fact that Cowper was the first who gave expression to the reaction which had set in against the artificial school of Pope.Among others he consulted John Wesley of all men in the world Wesley, who never used two words where one would suffice, and never chose a long word where he could find a short one to express his meaning Wesley, too, who disliked everything savouring of Calvinism, and who was not likely, therefore, to regard with a favourable eye a Calvinistic treatise written in a diffuse and turgid style.
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