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The whale boat also carried a stout mast, rigging two sprit sails.Everybody on bonds child savings the ship, from captain to cabin boy, was a partner, vitally interested in the success of the voyage.Its pressure in this unfavorable position so careened the boat that the side was pulled under water and it began to fill.Two of the Ann Alexander's harpoons bonds child savings were in him, his head bore deep scars, and in it were imbedded pieces of the ill fated ship's timbers.As they became scarce, negroes began to appear among the whalemen, with now and then a Lascar, a South Sea Islander, Portuguese, and Hawaiians.When this had availed nothing, and the young nation had rushed into battle with a courage that must seem to us now foolhardy, the Nantucketers adopted the doubtful expedient of seeking special favor bonds child savings from the enemy.But a whale boat is not the only place where a spill is threatened because some one in power insists on doing something at once useless and dangerous.The whale itself met retribution five bonds child savings months later, when it was taken by another American ship.Three of the sailors climbed on the back of their enemy, clinging by the harpoons and ropes still fast to him, while the others swam away for dear life, thinking only of escaping that all engulfing jaw or the blows of that murderous tail.The whale, when nearly exhausted, was allowed to remain some minutes unmolested, till, having recovered some degree of energy, it made a violent bonds child savings effort and tore itself away from the harpoons.In such a case the boatmaker who built the whale boats, the ropemaker who twisted the stout, flexible manila cord to hold the whale, the sailmaker and the cooper were all interested with the crew and the owners in the success of the voyage.The effects of the blow were astonishing the keel was broken, the gunwales and every plank excepting two were cut through, and it was bonds child savings evident that the boat would have been completely divided, had not the tail struck directly upon a coil of lines.The ship was out for a five years' cruise, perhaps, and the captain knew that the safety of all depended upon unquestioning obedience to his authority.The enforced idleness of the Revolutionary days was not easily forgotten by the whalemen, and their discontent and complainings were great when the nation was again embroiled in war bonds child savings with Great Britain in 1812.When he struck, the fish was approaching the boat and, passing very rapidly, jerked the line out of its place over the stern and threw it upon the gunwale.
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