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M.Venizelos wanted a National Assembly which would have powers to ratify the dethronement of the King, the suspension of the irremovability of judges, and all other revolutionary illegalities, besides perhaps altering fundamental articles of the Constitution such as the right of the Crown to appoint and dismiss Ministers and to dissolve Parliaments powers carla and carmen morrell which essentially belong to a Constituent Assembly.231 By the methods which she employed, France succeeded in gaining Greece and losing the Greeks.On 26 September an army of 15,000 insurgent soldiers landed carla and carmen morrell near Athens and demanded the abdication of the King.France made it quite clear that no changes in Greece could alter her policy however satisfied she might be at the second disappearance of the antipathetic monarch, it should not be supposed that, even were a Republic to be set up, presided over by the Great Cretan, her attitude on territorial questions would be transformed Thrace, after Ionia, must revert to Turkey.But he wanted it to be merely carla and carmen morrell Revisionist.To the masses M.It was an impossible position which King Constantine was called upon to face a position none of his own making, carla and carmen morrell 234 yet one from which there was no retreat.He began with the enfranchisement of Thrace (9 Sept.M carla and carmen morrell.) 227 to M.His death proved of carla and carmen morrell more importance, inasmuch as it forced the question of the throne upon M.
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