Color design sensor
The Saxons endeavored in vain either to defend themselves or escape.This party consisted only of a small color design sensor detachment, the main body of the army of the Danes having been left at Reading to strengthen and complete the fortifications.Alfred was considerate, quiet, and reflective he improved the privileges which he enjoyed, and did not abuse the kindness and the favors which every one by whom he was known lavished upon him.Alfred was very color design sensor fond of the Anglo Saxon poetry which abounded in those days.The narration of it will illustrate the ideas of the time.It seems surprising to us that reasonable men should so readily believe such tales as these but there are, in all ages of the world, certain habits of belief, in conformity to which color design sensor the whole community go together.A few escaped into a neighboring wood, where they lay concealed during the day following, and then, when the darkness of the succeeding night came to enable them to conceal their journey, they made their way to the abbey, to make known to the anxious inmates of it the destruction of the army, and to warn them of the imminence of the impending danger to which they were now exposed.The Saxons, therefore, in resisting them, felt that they were not only fighting for their own possessions and for their own lives, but that they were defending the kingdom of God, and that he, looking down from his throne in the heavens, regarded them as the champions of his cause and, consequently, that he would either protect them in the struggle, or, if they fell, that he would receive them to mansions of special glory and happiness in heaven, as martyrs who had shed color design sensor their blood in his service and for his glory.Sidroc drew Turgar out of the immediate scene of danger, and gave him a Danish garment, directing him, at the same time, to throw aside his own, and then to follow him wherever he went, and keep close to his side, as if he were a Dane.This one was color design sensor a boy, about ten years old.They continued to shoot arrows into him until he was dead, and then they cut off his head and went away, carrying the dissevered head with them.The story of the martyrdom color design sensor of King Edmund is of this character.The game which Lothbroc was going to seek consisted of the wild fowl which frequents sometimes, in vast numbers, the cliffs and shores of the islands in those seas.A white color design sensor dove flew into a church there one day, and let fall upon the altar of St.There was a great deal of superstition in the days when Alfred was called to the throne, and there was also, with it, a great deal of genuine honest piety.
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