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Napoleon had secretly and suddenly called into being an army, and by its apparently miraculous creation had astounded Europe.He who loathes war, with inexpressible loathing, who will do everything in his power to avert the dire and horrible calamity, but who will, nevertheless, in the last extremity, with a determined spirit, encounter all its perils, from love of country machine uk washing and of home, who is willing to sacrifice himself and all that is dear to him in life, to promote the well being of his fellow man, will ever receive the homage of the world, and we also fully believe that he will receive the approval of God.This extraordinary epistle was thus commenced Sire! It is on the field of battle, amid the sufferings of a multitude of wounded, and surrounded by fifteen thousand corpses, that I beseech your majesty to listen to the voice of humanity, and not to suffer two brave nations to cut each others' throats for interests not their own.They poured machine uk washing an answering volley into the bosoms of the French.Upon the field of Marengo, having scattered all his enemies like chaff before him, with the smoke of the conflict still darkening the air, and the groans of the dying swelling upon his ears, laying aside all the formalities of state, with heartfelt feeling and earnestness he wrote to the Emperor of Austria.One wild machine uk washing shout of enthusiasm ascended from united France.Napoleon had taken every step in his power to secure peace.His clothes were machine uk washing repeatedly pierced by bullets.Let us make the armistice general for all the armies, and enter into negotiations instantly.It was not the duty of France to machine uk washing submit to such dictation.
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