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These barbarians, thinking that the Russian army was now five hundred miles west of Moscow at Kezan, and that the empire was thus defenseless, with a vast army of invasion were on the eager march for Moscow.In February, 1550, hip hop shirt designs Ivan IV.I lost, while an infant, my parents, and the nobles, who sought only their own aggrandizement, neglected entirely my education, and have usurped, in my name, wealth and power.All the booty Ivan surrendered to the army, saying, hip hop shirt designs The only riches I desire, are the repose and the honor of Russia.The past is forgotten for perfidy has received its reward.Ivan himself, heading a division of the army, fell fiercely upon them, and the Tartars hip hop shirt designs were totally routed, losing artillery, camels, banners and a large number of prisoners.He soon assembled one hundred and twenty illustrious men at Lubeck, where they were to embark for Russia.We will engrave them on hip hop shirt designs our heart.The Russians had now been a month before the walls of Kezan.The khan is in hip hop shirt designs your power, the people are slain or taken captive.They prayed that the inhabitants might be preserved from all maladies, that they might be strengthened to repel every enemy, and that the city might for ever remain the glorious heritage of Russia.
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