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But, fears are entertained, it is said, that the regular Army which is strongly anti Venizelist may get out of hand.But he wanted it to be masters of photography richard avedon merely Revisionist.In the past the rivalry between France and England in the Eastern Mediterranean, though often overshadowed by their common antagonism, first to Russia and subsequently to Germany, was a perennial cause of discord which kept Greece oscillating between the two Powers.Reuter, Athens, 9 masters of photography richard avedon Dec.The Greek people, he said, should be given the chance of deciding whether it will have Constantine back and if it so decided, he himself would go.But masters of photography richard avedon M.He began with the enfranchisement of Thrace (9 Sept.But, on the other hand, by way of compromise, France obtained that he should return to an empty treasury, with foreign credits cut off, and the masters of photography richard avedon loans made by the Allies to the Venizelist Government, to facilitate the waging of a common war against Turkey, revoked.Even if the Opposition sweeps the Peloponnese and gains a majority in Acarnania and Corfu, it is still doubtful whether it will have 120 seats in the new Chamber, which will contain 369 Deputies and the Venizelists anticipate that their opponents will emerge from the struggle with less than 100 Deputies.Venizelos and his partisans could not afford to be very fastidious their political existence was at stake they masters of photography richard avedon must make every effort, and summon every resource at their command.But the bare record of what he did and endured reveals him sufficiently., 1920), which embodied the territorial arrangements already made at San Remo, masters of photography richard avedon Greece obtained practically the whole of Thrace outside the enclave of Constantinople, and a mandate over Smyrna and its hinterland.M.Venizelos hastened to overcome this difficulty by three strokes of the pen 18,000 refugees from all parts who lived on the Ministry of Public Relief were enrolled as Athenian citizens to these were added some 6,000 Cretan gendarmes and policemen and, to make up the deficiency, 15,000 natives of Smyrna, supposed to have earned Greek citizenship by volunteering in masters of photography richard avedon the war, had their names inscribed on the electoral lists of Attica.
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