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L'amiral anglais qui commandait en mer Ege leur refusa son concours, esprant sans doute les determiner se dfendre.Venizelos himself, was supplied, career connections athens oh appropriately enough, by a barber.The news was of a nature to compel him at last to take the plunge and in the small hours of 25 September, the National Leader stole out of Greece on a ship escorted by a French torpedo boat.But, as her armed intervention could not, obviously, be in the interest of anyone concerned, unless it took place with chances of career connections athens oh success, the Royal Government thinks that Greece should not be held to her engagement, if at the time fixed the Balkan theatre of war presented, in the opinion of the Allies' General Staffs themselves, such a disequilibrium of forces as the military weight of Greece would be insufficient to redress.By this time the French and British detectives had usurped the powers and inverted the functions of the police organs and the French and 128 British agents, after fomenting those fatal differences which divide and degrade a people, had developed into directors of plots and organizers of sedition.At the outset he repudiated as a monstrous and malicious calumny the career connections athens oh common view that his programme was to march on Athens and to dethrone the King.M.Even there, it is true, public opinion was not strikingly favourable to disloyalty but the presence of the career connections athens oh British Fleet in Suda Bay had much of persuasion in it.Venizelos suddenly conceived the idea of turning Crete into an autonomous principality.Zaimis, career connections athens oh Athens, 114 Sept.Venizelos had never tired of professing his willingness to support any Government which would adopt his policy of prompt action it was not personal power he hungered after, but national prosperity.This exploit known as the Therisos Movement deserves special notice, for it bears a curious and most instructive analogy career connections athens oh to the enterprise with which we are now dealing.
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