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) A score of similar passages can easily be cited.It may, I trust, be permitted to me barbara livingston photography here to show clearly what the law is, as applicable to the case in hand, by a few pertinent a barbara livingston photography large treatise, now in process of preparation, which aims to rethink philosophy as a whole in the light of modern science and under the form of a natural development of the scientific method itself.I exposed the amazing absurdity of Dr.Royce, at least, has shown barbara livingston photography none.The very book against which he presumes to warn the public professionally is founded upon lectures which I myself professionally delivered, not only from Dr.Hegel's theory of universals is divided from mine by the whole barbara livingston photography vast chasm between realism and idealism.Most certainly, there is no pretension in this modest and carefully guarded avowal of the simple aim of my book.It is due also to the extravagant pretensions which he frequently makes of late as to the originality and barbara livingston photography profundity of his still unpublished system of philosophy, to give the reader some hint of what so far appears to be the nature of our author's contributions to philosophical reflection.) PROFESSOR ROYCE'S LIBEL.Royce treat it? He not only absolutely ignored it, not only said nothing whatever about it, but actually took barbara livingston photography pains to put the reader on a false scent at the start, by assuring him (without the least discussion of this all important point) that my philosophical conclusions are essentially idealistic! So gross a misrepresentation as this might be charitably attributed to critical incapacity of some sort, if it did not so very conveniently pave the way for the second gross misrepresentation which was to follow namely, that the theory actually propounded in my book had been, in fact, appropriated and borrowed from an idealist! The immense utility of misrepresenting my system at the start as essentially idealistic lay in the fact that, by adopting this stratagem, Dr.
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