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They certainly repulsed Datis and all his forces, vast as they were, and compelled them to retire with an enormous loss.For all these things Xerxes relied on the revenues and the contributions of the provinces, and orders, home depot expo atlanta very full and very imperative, were transmitted, accordingly, to all the governors and satraps of Asia, and especially to those who ruled over the countries which lay near the western confines of the empire, and consequently near the Greek frontiers.The council was, accordingly, once more convened.There were men home depot expo atlanta to be levied, arms to be manufactured, ships to be built, and stores of food to be provided.Artabanus made some objection, at first, to the details of the arrangement which Xerxes proposed, as he did not see, he said, of what advantage it could be for him to assume the guise and habiliments of the king.From the time that Cyrus first commenced the work of conquest by subduing Media, to the present day, the extent of our empire has been continually widening, until now home depot expo atlanta it covers all of Asia and Africa, with the exception of the remote and barbarous tribes, that, like the wild beasts which share their forests with them, are not worth the trouble of subduing.This the Persian government considered as aiding and abetting a rebellion.Many men have, indeed, by their mental powers or their moral excellences, acquired an extended and lasting posthumous fame but in respect to all immediate and exalted distinction and honor, it will be found, on reviewing the history of the human race, that there have generally been but two possible avenues to them on the home depot expo atlanta one hand, high birth, and on the other, the performance of great deeds of carnage and destruction.He proposed that, to put the reality of the apparition still further to the test, Artabanus should take his place on the royal couch the next night, to see if the specter would not appear to him.The announcement was home depot expo atlanta received by the members of the council with the most tumultuous joy.In this view of the case, our object, in this volume, is simply to give the history of Xerxes just as it stands, without stopping to separate the false from the true.
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