Communication de plan
He wore a habit or mantle of the imperial purple, which made him a conspicuous mark for his enemies and, of course, wherever he went, in that place was the hottest of the fight.During all this time Cleopatra and Ptolemy remained in the palace with Caesar, both ostensibly co operating with him in communication de plan his councils and measures for defending the city from Achillas.The troops burned the shipping, took the fort, expelled the Egyptian soldiers from it, and put a Roman garrison into it instead, and then returned in safety within Caesar's lines.The first measure to be adopted was, as Caesar plainly perceived, to concentrate and strengthen his position in the city, so that he might communication de plan be able to defend himself there against Achillas until he should receive re enforcements from abroad.Burning of Alexandria.He opened shops and established forges in every part of the city communication de plan for the manufacture of darts, spears, pikes, and all kinds of military machinery.His numbers were altogether too small to defend the whole city against the overwhelming force which was advancing to assail it.His friends and the authorities at Rome were continually urging him to communication de plan return.Forces of Caesar.When he set sail communication de plan from the European shores with this inconsiderable fleet, it is probable that he had no expectation even of landing in Egypt at all, and much less of being involved in great military undertakings there.Caesar's wells.Secret communication de plan messengers.Achillas therefore directed the officers to be seized and slain.
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